Monday, 11/27
Junior League of Baton Rouge has selected WHAM as a participant in the Painted Playground Project. If your family would like to volunteer and help Junior League spruce up our basketball courts, join us this Sunday morning, November 19th, between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon. We are excited about having our playgrounds transformed!
Reminders for this week at WHAM
Progress Reports will go home Wednesday, November 15th. Please check your child`s backpack, sign and return the progress report to the homeroom teacher. College Day at WHAM will be Friday, November 17th Students may wear a shirt or jersey which represents the college they wish to attend. We will kick off the day with an Assembly/Pep Rally at 9:30 AM in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend. "Sock It to Me Sock" Drive Continues: We have collected 708 pairs of socks to share with the homeless this holiday season. Our goal is 1,000 pairs of socks. We will collect until December 1st. Please bring NEW socks (all sizes, child to adult) to WHAM to help spread the warmth. Chick-fil-A Calendar Sale Continues: Please send calendar order form and payment to place your order. Supplies are limited, so please send your order form and money before Thanksgiving to guarantee delivery. Thank you for your support of our WHAM Ambassadors. PTO Fundraiser deadline for following items is Thursday, November 16th - World`s Finest Chocolate - if you have not sent your money for chocolate, please do so now. - Mixed Bag Order - order forms and money are due. - Poinsettias - order forms and money are due. 2017 School Performance Scores and Letter Grades have been released. WHAM remains one of the top performing elementary school in the state. We continue as the highest performing elementary school in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System.
Thank you to our dedicated students, parents and faculty for your hard work! ![]() WHAM STILL NEEDS YOU! Please attend the final community forum in Cycle 2 WHAM parents your involvement is important as the EBR School System continues planning efforts. We are asking WHAM families to attend the final community forum during Cycle 2. Parental involvement is important to ensure that our voice is heard during the process of selecting school facilities to be renovated and built under the upcoming Tax Plan. The final Cycle 2 Community Forum will be held from 6:30PM-8:00PM. Thursday, November 9 Lee High School 1105 Lee Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Help us to congratulate Dr. Valerie Robinson, our 2018 WHAM Teacher of the Year! We wish her well as she represents WHAM at the district level.
October 2024
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